First Holy Communion

Holy Communion is the second sacrament of initiation. The word “communion” means to be united with or share a common union; Catholics believe that in Holy Communion we are united in a special way with Jesus Christ.

At his Last Supper, Jesus said of the bread that he shared among his followers “Take and eat, this is my body”. When we receive Holy Communion, Catholics believe that in a mysterious way we are sharing in the body and blood of Christ.

Holy Communion is also commonly called Eucharist, which comes  from a Greek word meaning thanksgiving.


The candidate seeking First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church needs to have been Baptised and to have received the sacrament of Reconciliation. Evidence of these sacraments will be required. We ask that the candidate has attended regular masses at the Reconciliation Church.

The preparation for the sacrament of First Holy Communion is in line with the local Catholic school. This preparation must be completed.

If the candidate is not attending a Catholic School, the ACM Team will provide assistance with sacramental preparations.


The Reconciliation Church affirms that parents and caregivers are the first educators of their children. A child’s First Holy Communion is a special occasion – and a further step in their faith journey. For most people, First Communion takes place at about the age of seven. Before receiving the sacrament, children should have an understanding of the sacrament that is appropriate to their age. Hopefully, this understanding will develop over the years.

As First Holy Communion is a sacrament of initiation of your child into the community of the Church, it is most appropriate that the gathered community welcomes your child. The celebration of Mass is not just a special occasion for your family, but for the whole Reconciliation Church community. At the Reconciliation Church, the sacramental program will have a cultural component as part of the preparation of your child. 


Please note that all records are kept on the Archdiocese’s register of the St Andrew’s Catholic Church Malabar, as well as the Reconciliation Church.

“First Holy Communion reminds us that we must always be nourished for our journey. As Christians, Jesus provides that nourishment for us in his Body and his Blood. Having received these gifts, we go out into the world as followers of Jesus and spreading his love” 

(Fr Darryl Mackie, ACM Chaplain).

First Holy Communion Prayer

Dear God,

I know that You give me many gifts.
The gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ in Holy Communion
is the greatest of all.  How can I ever thank you
enough for this special gift?
At Mass we are called to be like Jesus, by loving
and serving one another in the world.
As I become more like Him, please continue to
help me.  Show me the places and ways that
I can bring Your love, kindness, and peace
to others…. in my family, in my neighbourhood, in my community, with my friends.
I ask this in Jesus’ name.
