Sadly, due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), Mass was cancelled with the closure of Churches, no public gatherings for Mass and other services. St Mary’s Cathedral and 15 parishes across the Archdiocese are live-streaming Masses.

The Archdiocesan Coronavirus Web page includes links to live-stream and on-demand liturgies, readings, current health and liturgical directives, prayer, and reflections.

Despite the physical distancing, let’s be connected as we enter into the holiest of weeks. We may be physically isolated but not separated. We are united as the Body of Christ. We are the Church.

A Good Friday message from our Aboriginal Elder Aunty Elsie Heiss

“On Good Friday we remember the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus, the man who never sinned, forgave those that betrayed him and provided an example to all of us in how to live our lives. Even on Good Friday, Jesus died to save us, giving to us until the very end. As you think about Jesus suffering on the Cross you may have pain in your heart, this is because Jesus is still with you. This pain is a memory that Jesus loves us unconditionally and for that we love him always. Wish you and your family walk gently together at Easter.”

The ACM Team is excited to be preparing for our first attempt at live streaming of our Mass on 3rd May at the Reconciliation Church and are very grateful to Fr James McCarthy and Mark Anderson for all the guidance in this process.

Please enjoy a Mother’s Day prayer and blessing from our Chaplain Fr. Darryl Mackie. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers from the ACM Team.